Good Versicherung: June 2007

I can now be found over at Fifth Dimensional Tesseract. Sometimes.

17 June 2007

Finally France

OK, I am finally getting to tell you all about my visit to Paris a couple weeks ago. Overall it was quite interesting to be in Paris, the city much proclaimed by many. I have to say that I was not particularly impressed. I do not know why that is. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I do not really speak the language, or because so many people told me that they did not really like Paris Or perhaps it is because I do not have as much of a connection with Paris as I do with, say, London, New York City and Berlin. The Once and Future Flatmate said that she was not surprised since the two of us ‘tend toward the Anglophilic side, and you can’t love both France and holly old England, can you?’ As true as that might be, it would have been nicer to have liked the city a little better. Oh well, you cannot like every city you meet, even if it is in Europe.

Other than that, Betsy and I are quite lazy when it comes to being tourists. We did all of the requisite Paris tourism things: Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Louvre, Champs Élysées, Arc de Triomphe, the Tuileries. I have to say that Notre Dame was quite cool, I had no idea that it was on a little island bit in the middle of the Seine. The river– surprise, surprise– was the highlight of the trip for me. We spent quite a while walking along the Seine, and it was quite nice.

One amusing thing is that in Place de la Bastille there is a restaurant named Indiana. Of course I took pictures of it. The pictures, by the way, are now uploaded and can be accessed by the link call ‘Paris’ to the left. I may or may not ever get around to annotating the pictures, but, if you ask me, most of them are pretty explanatory. Either you will recognise the landmark; or if it is a gardeny area (and by gardeny, I mean tan gravel – probably another reason why I was not too enchanted with Paris was the lack of a nice green garden to sit on, except at the Tower), it is probably the Tuileries; and if it is a body of water, it is the Seine. Another note about the pictures, if you bother looking at them, you can see that I was up to my usually trying to be artsy antics. Sorry in advance. I also seem to have been quite taken with the Tour d’Eiffel, despite that fact that it is really quite ugly.

There is not much else to tell about our weekend in Paris. As I said, we are sort of on the lazy side. Keep an eye out for the next post, whose subject will be the week before last, while I was on holiday while my mother was here.

16 June 2007

Sometimes you wonder what people were thinking.

Then again, sometimes you really, really, really do not want to know. At all. I know I said that I would start with France, but do you remember hearing about that American tourist who decided to go for a walk in Nürnberg without any clothes on? He claimed that he thought that Germans did that all the time. At the time I wondered where this guy had gotten that crazy idea. Well, maybe he had talked with the guy that was seen this afternoon walking along the Mittland Kanal northwest of Wenden-Braunschweig. He was not wearing a stitch of clothing. Luckily he was on the opposite side of the Kanal from where three guys and I were rowing. The boys, of course, thought that it was hilarious. And I, naturally, thought that I am always the lucky one. (Read: Oh my God, I think I have been scared for life... again.)

14 June 2007

Two weeks later...

Yes, It has been two weeks since I last posted. Sorry to the very small un-named number of you that rely on this site to pass your boredom (though I really am not sure how this blog qualifies for boredom alleviation- more like boredom induction) while at various activities (read: work). It has been a busy couple of weeks, and I promise to start bringing this site up to date. For a quick overview of the things that I will be updating you on: Paris, Mother's visit, second trip to Berlin and a ton of new (and old) pictures that I have not gotten around to putting up online yet. So, be patient for just a few more days, and this weekend (which is free for once) you will get your fix of my larks on the continent.